Saturday, November 14, 2009

Great blog!!

Visit this great blog, she makes the cutest aprons!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Monson "Aaron" Ekker

Monson Aaron Ekker came into the world on September 17th, 2009. He was born at 8:04 am and he weighted 6lbs. 10 oz. He was 19 1/2 inches long. He is such a very good baby.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The time has come

Wow, It seems like it has taken forever and at the same time I cant belive the time is already here to have our baby. We go to the hospital tomorrow morning and welcome our new little guy into the world. I am a big ball of nervousness. I will post lots of pictures in a week or so.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The verdict is in.............................

We just got back from the ultrasound and we are having a boy!!!! We are very excited, and from what the tech said everything looks good:) We are happy!

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Today we went into town for my Niece and Nephew's birthday party. They had it at a park and it was a beautiful day. Marcus thought he was funny and found a worm and was teasing all the girls with it! My brother told him he would pay him $5.00 dollars if he would eat it!!! I really didn't think that he would do it. He ran back down to where all the kids where, and on the way back up the hill, he tossed it in his mouth! He showed my brother and swallowed it down!!! SOOOO gross! My brother pulled out his wallet and paid him!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

Today was a great day. We got up and got ready for church and just as I was going to go downstairs Mason came up and said, "mom you cant go down!" I said ok. He tried to tell me why but I didn't let him, he ran downstairs and said to the others, " I didn't tell her!" The boys had made cards for me and they were so proud and happy for me to see them. We had nice breakfast of cereal and toast and off to church we went. The boy sang in sacrament meeting, it was so cute to watch them. We went into town and had dinner with my family. It was fun.

Since yesterday sometime Rick has been having a pain in his lower right abdomen and after church I told him to look up on the net to see where your appendixs are. Every thing that we read lead us to belive that he could be having a issue with his. When we got back to Tooele we went to the instacare and they said it would be better to ER because they cant do a CT scan. We got to the ER and they got him all hooked up and ready for the scan. The scan came back negative so we have an appointment with the surgeon in the morning. He still might have to have it removed, but not for sure right now.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

What a crazy day!!

Today I went to the doctor for a follow up from the miscarriage, back in March. I was really interested to see what was going to happen. I have not had anything happen as far as a cycle and I have just been in limbo. They did a pregnancy test and it came up positive. The doc set up an ultrasound and when they got in there the discovered a BABY!!! Yes that is right I am STILL pregnant!!! I am 16 weeks and 1 day, can you believe it!!! It still does not seem real to me, but I have pictures to prove it!!! The boys are so very excited. We are so blessed and thankful for the trials that we have gone thru!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


So its been a while since I have blogged so I thought I should update what has gone on in the last month. A few posts back I announced that we were having a baby and we were so excited. On the 21st of February we started having complications. We went to the doctor many times and had a few ultrasounds. The doctor told us that everything was OK. On March 10th I went to a new doctor and and he did an ultrasound and discovered that we had lost the baby. Nothing in the world could have ever prepared me for that moment. I came home and told Rick, and then we told the boys. Matthew and Mason began to cry, and Mason said "So now we wont have a baby sister?" Marcus didn't understand why we were all crying. I am so thankful for my membership in this gospel and to know that families are forever! The first few weeks were really hard for me and I spent alot of time in my pj's doing nothing. Every night when Mason goes to his bed, he says his prayers. "Please bless we can have a baby, please bless she can be happy, please bless we can have a baby girl, and please bless we don't have a baby boy." The faith of a 4 year old is so amazing to me. I am so happy to have the children that I do, and I love them so very much!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy "4" Birthday Mason

Today is Mason's 4th Birthday! We love him so very much! He is a very kind boy (when he wants to be) He is always willing to share! He does not want to leave anybody out. He LOVES to play with his cars. His favorite is a mustang, he can spot them anywhere we go. He loves to eat apples. We are so happy he is apart of our family!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Friend!

I had a fun time making this cake!! Its my good friend Judy's birthday today! We met about 5 years ago when we moved into our new home. She has been a great example to me. She has been there in the highs and lows. Have a great day!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Baby on Board

I am so happy to announce that we are having a baby!!! We wanted to wait awhile to tell everyone, but we are so excited that we couldn't keep it to ourselves! The boys are so happy, and are wishing for a little girl! (so are we) As long as the baby is healthy that is all that matters!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Delivery or Digiorno????

What kind of Pizza do you like? I am not sure about all the other husbands out there, but mine really does not do much cooking. There is one thing that he really enjoys cooking. He makes a really good pizza! He used to work at Pizza Hut so he knows how to toss the dough really well. I love my sweet husband. **hmmmmm, maybe we can eat pizza 3 times a week** he would cook more! :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I spoke to soon!

OK, ok, I will not make you wait any longer. My excitement the other day was Rick had an interview for a job, to be able to stay home. Not only did he not make it home in time for the interview, he now no longer has a job at all! He called his dispatcher on Monday afternoon and they told him he dose not work for them any more???? Its a long story, but needless to say we are back to square one. I wish it had something to do with pink or blue, but no such luck.