Thursday, January 29, 2009

Delivery or Digiorno????

What kind of Pizza do you like? I am not sure about all the other husbands out there, but mine really does not do much cooking. There is one thing that he really enjoys cooking. He makes a really good pizza! He used to work at Pizza Hut so he knows how to toss the dough really well. I love my sweet husband. **hmmmmm, maybe we can eat pizza 3 times a week** he would cook more! :)


Tooele Brezoff said...

My favorite is San Fran in Bountiful their chicken and black olive is yummy! Bryans parents do the home made pizza! I have never tried!

~Jordyn said...

I love papa johns pizza.I wish they had one out here. :(

Unknown said...

I LOVE making pizza!

That is just gorgeous.

Missy said...

Mmm...that pizza looks SO good!!